COVID19 Resources

Here you will find direct links to Federal and State agencys providing up to date information regarding COVID19 and other related resources.   Besure to bookmark this page for future updates.

How to Protect Yourself

The CDC has a website with valuable information about how you can protect yourself and others form this virus.  Click here

NYS COVID 19 Update

New York State has a website dedicated to providing up to date information and resources for New Yorkers.   Click here

Bronx Borough President Office 

The Bronx Borough President Office lists various resources for Bronxites, to stay informed about COVID 19.  Click here

NYC City Agency Service Updates

NYC office of the Mayor provided the following link on there website with a complete list of agency updates.   Click here

NYC COVID-19 Information

NYC office of the mayor provided information on there website to help keep New Yorkers informed about the COVID-19 virus.   Click here

CSSE at Johns Hopkins

Real-time Coronavirus  COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems and Engineering at Johns Hopkins.   Click here